June 21, 2017 14 comments Author: Paweł Gontarek Share: To accuse an SEO agency of "doing nothing", you need to have one strong argument or, preferably, several. Like every month, in the first week - maybe the first two, you will receive an invoice and. report from the position monitoring system. So much and SO MUCH! And in general, Dear Customer, you should be happy that you got anything. And notice, Customer, that this is very consistent with the contract you signed.
It is also possible that you signed a contract for positioning with flowers, but that is your problem. I would like to show you, and many will tell me that I have broken. what you can try to include in the Phone Number List contract, or what you might want to get, or even check for yourself that the results will be green, red or. brown. KPI in SEO – results in Google Search Console In Google Search Console, results are only presented for the last 90 days (not a single day more.
Therefore, right from the beginning of cooperation, I suggest that you create a small exelik, or preferably online Google Docs (sprejdszita), and record clicks, impressions, CTRs and other values there. Thanks to such records, it will be known whether anything positive is happening with the organic results - an increase in clicks is great, a decrease - let them explain themselves. Why do we exclude brand? This is because as your company grows, it becomes more and more visible and more and more often users enter the company name plus a keyword into the Google search engine.