Affairs criticises that NÚKIB is trying to sneak into the law powers that do not belong to it according to the Constitution. For example, negotiating international cooperation agreements. In the second half of the document, the Černín Palace lists the articles of the NIS Directive that are to be incorrectly transposed into the Czech legislation by the bill, either because NÚKIB did not include them in the transposition at all, or because it did not do it correctly.
The National Security Authority also attacks the supply chain in Indonesia WhatsApp Number Data its comments. He claims that the proposed form of the law may endanger the activities of the intelligence services because it contains a breach of the obligation to protect information for the purposes pursued by the law on intelligence services.The Office for Personal Data Protection has stopped short of the misleading naming of the regime of lower obligations (important) and higher obligations (essential) and proposes its own strategic.
This department also requests clarification that the obligations to provide cooperation in managing incidents will only apply to significant cyber incidents. And in the event that NÚKIB demands the cooperation of someone who was not himself affected by the incident, he will now be responsible for paying the administrative costs. The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications further proposes that the ČTÚ be added to the list of authorities that have an obligation to NÚKIB to provide information and cooperation.