Accessibility on the Internet is therefore a question of ethics. However, it is also one of law. The legal situation: Accessibility will soon be mandatory for all companies The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities has been applicable law in Germany since 2009. This includes the fundamental right of people with disabilities to access information . In addition, an EU directive on the accessibility of websites of public bodies has existed since 2016 . This basically has two goals: Access to information should be made easier for all citizens, especially people with disabilities.
The aim of standardizing measures across the EU is to enable HK Phone Number companies and software developers to operate more easily and with less risk throughout the internal market. Websites in Germany that are more than 50% funded by the federal government are already legally obliged to be accessible (see FAQ from the Federal Office for Accessibility). In addition, the federal government announced the BFSG Accessibility Strengthening Act in July 2021 . After that, barrier-free websites will be mandatory for all but very small companies by 2025 . In order to be considered barrier-free, websites must comply with the Accessible Information Technology Regulation BITV 2.0 and comply with the European standard EN 301 549 V1.1.2 , which in turn is based on the internationally recognized WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines).
Sounds complicated? We think so too. Hence our checklist with specific requirements! Germany in international comparison With the BFSG, Germany is one step ahead of the USA, for example. institutions are obliged to be accessible in accordance with the WCAG, there is currently no binding regulation for the private sector. For this reason, the Americans with Disabilities Act ADA of 1990 is used as the basis for numerous lawsuits against accessible digital offerings. According to a study by UsableNet, in 2021 the number of lawsuits increased by 15% compared to the previous year to over 4,000, with websites being the main target at 94%.