With passive browsing, you provide the content, then wait for visitors to riffle through a vast library and discover what they need.When you rely on passive browsing, you’re losing leads. Many leads will lose interest before they find what relates to them.Creating a content-first approach brings content to the forefront of the experience. The content goes to where the visitors are rather than waiting for them to discover content.
Offering an active browsing experience allows visitors to binge specific database by industry content. Just picture how streaming services immediately begin playing the next episode in the series. Once you finish the series, you receive recommendations for further viewing. You never have to question what you want to watch next. The service automatically finds the best options based on your viewing preferences.Websites should offer similar experiences by constantly bringing the next relevant piece to the reader.
This binge-reading allows you to gather more information on your lead to improve your nurturing campaigns. It also helps nurture the leads so they’re ready to purchase sooner. Personalize your content streamas you position content front and center, consider who your audience is. Not everyone will need the same content. Your saas clients will look for vastly different solutions than your financial clients.Personalization improves what content is front and center.