Because of this, it’s important to make general reporting templates for basic performance data and then customize these templates to be specific to the client that you’re making it for. The best way to do this is by focusing on each client’s business goals.Conversion reportsThe tracking of tangible results is the common thread for the vast majority of paid acquisition clientele, so creating a report or dashboard related specifically to conversion activity over.
Time frames for presenting such data vary from client to Belarus Mobile Number List client, but I typically choose to display this information both monthly and quarterly. With advanced reporting tools, your clients will have the ability themselves to expand the date ranges to view trends if they so desire.conversion reportsA great method for presenting this information is to run through conversion trends via screen-share with your clients. Allowing your points of contact to view (hopefully improving) trends within conversion volume and CPA will give them an immediate insight into overall performance as it is related to their goals.
This will allow you to later supplement this information with supporting evidence via other metrics that indicate a healthy improvement of their overall account. The strategy here is this: Show your clients what is most important and easily digestible first.Impression and click-related reportsAs mentioned, you’ll want to present the goal-centric information first. This will allow you to show the client where they were previously and where they currently stand from a general performance standpoint. From here, you will be able to concisely convey the reasons behind the trends in the broader scope with the supporting data related to them.